Our shareholders and Iwi benefit through initiatives such as the Grants, Tribal Lands and Housing Strategy.
Our aim is to support the success of tribal members by offering grants, scholarships, and personal development opportunities.
The whenua provides a touch-point for the owners and their descendants in order to gain pride in their asset.
Wharenui Rise
First Home Buyer Programme
In 2021, Ngāti Whakaue Tribal Lands (NWTL) began a journey of assisting whānau and shareholders on their pathways to home ownership.
From May 2023, we will release 14 lots in two separate tranches of 8 and 6 respectively.
While Ngāti Whakaue shareholders and whānau will be given first preference, if these homes are not sold, they will be released to the general public.
Latest Pānui
Manawa Gardens Announcement
We are excited to share that we are making great progress on Stage 1 of Manawa Gardens!